Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cake is rocky

I am almost vertain i didnt stutter.


Up and at them...

So we're up and about to get on the road again, but what is with these
signs? Seriously, 'smoking five feet away from this sign is OK but not



That was the best chickewn monkry pizza ive ever had... Mike is sawing logs
again (and dreaming of susan somers).

Goodnight everyone especially mike.


Show me that0 smile again

We're singing all theme songs from csitoms like step by step and growing
pains and cheers but really theyre all the growing pains one with mike
singing different words.

Thbis pizzas puies isnt very good i might puke again where everybody knows
your name


As long as we've...

Got each other, wre've got the world spinning right in our hands, bsby rain
or shine, all the time, we got each other sharing the laughtwr and lovre...

/kirk cameron



In thew room and zhris is totally sleeoin on the saggy pullout couch.

I cant wait till the pizzas pies wirth monkeys gets here


Kicked out

Mike loves the helmet guy

Its cold

Chris stole some drumstickdsss!!!


Bar 11

Yeaaaah we are drinkin.... Igot coool stuff like thids shiny bracelet!! Mike is talking to some dudue. Im not comfortable with that guy sleeping in my room.

Check out the drums!!!


Neon mustache time

Bar 11... Oh my... Bon Jovi ugh



Mike is trying to pick up guys again...


Lets have smokes

No seriously i want one but i wont do it an' 'at.


To Jack's!

To jacks!
To jacks!
To jacks!
To jacks!
To jacks!
How many times can i type it without a typo apparently a lot.
To jacks!!!!

Give me a beer before i punch you in thw face again.


Buffalo buffalo buffalo

Chucky willnow try to pick up a lady with the buffalo line. Will he
succeed? Stay tuned to this shocking development.


Buffalo buffalo again

Women from Buffalo are not interested in discussing politics with Mike.
Surprising. Jimmy D's. Sucks.


Jimmy D

We're at a new bar called that. Midget shots just werent enough.

I want MOREEEeEe!!!


Saturday, January 19, 2008


These guys bought us shots an' 'at. Ron city ftw.


Our man Sean

Even though the camera was full the first time around, Sean earned MVP status by making an exception for Chuck and pouring the booze down his throat specifically for the photo op.



So we left that bar and came to caseys. We're settling in with some beers
before we take the plunge and get a round of shots. There was a bouncer
and a cop checking IDs. Then a glass came down the stairs and broke.
Someone threw it. The cop and bouncer made the midget watch the door while
they went to look for the glass thrower. He is a cute little guy watching
the door. Im gonna buy the bar a round of shots.


Stealing the Scene

So josh is here alright. This bar is jumping so we didnt distract him to
say hi.

But after about 15 minutes he saw saw us and came over with 4 shots. 1 for
each of us including him. Previous blog entry title claiming 'Josh Rocks!'
was not lying!!!

Oh, ron city i love thee.


Red Hoe - Piper's Pub

A combination of Hoegaarden and Lindeman's Framboise, Red Hoe tastes like alcohol-laced iced tea. Absolutely fantastic. More please.


Worst bar ever

So the lounge was AWFUL. Frankly it was so bad that im surprised the
shuttle driver didnt tell us to check that place out.

Now we are at pipers to make sure josh is still rocking OUT. After this?
The midget bar.


I had to try one cause we're here

From now on i am calling this place Ron City.


The Inn Termission Lounge

Aside from the horrible name, this bar is also horrible. It's like a neighborhood bar and we're from Jupiter. Get me out of here now.



So the penguins have put on an impressive performance only hours after
learning of the serious injury to sydney crosby. We watched the third
period with some miller lites at primanti brothers as the penguins finished
an inspired game winning 2-0 but had an empty netter with less than a
minute left so it was a close and exciting bit of hockey an' 'at run-on


A note about southside

Something that for some reason hasnt been mentioned yet. Everyone here
says "yins" and "an' 'at" ("and that") ALL THE TIME. An at.


Primanti Brothers

If you are looking for some gas come here to Primanti Bros. This place suffers from landmark status... It is ok but certianly doesn't live up to the hype. Not enough meat is there big problem (that's what she said).


Primanti Bros and the triumphant return of Josh

You go in expecting only a delicious sammy... And in walks Josh from


It's like deja vu all over again

At fatheads again tonight. Another hour and a half wait for a table. I
think i'll stick with miller lite tonight.


Nachos and Sting

St James comes through with some tasty nachos which taste like nachos + wings. Near heaven. Plus some guy is playing the worst music... And singing along... Poorly.


Good waa aha

We are listening to a song that villano alliance used to cover. Tears in
all our eyes. Actually just more beer in our bellies.



I just won the darts game. Next up: winning the heart of some lucky man.


Fart sounds

Hahah mike just tried to do that kind of whistle with your fingers in your mouth and it sounded like a messy shit. Just thought you should know.

Also i just closed out 16s and gave moyer points. Go me!!!


Pittsburgh Observation #161

A lot of signs here are airbrushed. I wonder if there is a thriving airbrush scene here or it's just Pittsburgh's chosen aesthetic. This ain't over.



Back at whatever this place is called and now theyre open! The tender kinda looks like a white bob marley so he was probably busy smoking pot in his one bedroom apt the first time we were here.

Most importantly... They have darts!!!!! This place seems pretty cool butdead now.


A word of advice

When a man named Mississippi walks into your bar and asks for Tony, lie to
him and tell him Tony is not there. I'm pretty sure we just narrowly
avoided a shooting.


Finding a place to rest our cold rears

A few blocks of unsuccessful searching for a dartboard have brought us to
Folino's on Carson St. Well back to Folino's. Stephanie (who is apparently
the most popular person in Pgh) sent us to St James, which was not yet open
at 5:05 despite a posted opening time of 5. So it was back to Folino's for
a drink. This post kinda sucks, but at least it's legible.

Local TV Advertisement

It's saturday afternoon. You think your stealthy son may have a bunch of
his equally stealthy friends over but you can't tell and it's freaking you
out. You want to get them out of the house. What's a parent to do?


Folinos... Again

So we elected to not take the shuttle this time. A note about that guy.
He has suggested more places that sound like places we would never go than
all three of our grandmothers combined (a bowling alley called Arsenal, a
club called the S bar where there are sure to be lots of 'chicks', hooters
and many others). So we walked up carson street looking for a bar with
darts but everything looks closed. Dont people in this city drink before


Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.

Yes thats a sentence. Mike has made sure we know it.

And why does the area around my face smell like ass? I dont know but let's
go play some darts.


This is how we roll

Chuck is sleeping...Moyer is nerding it up...
I am bothering them both...
This town really takes it out of ya.


Georgetowne Inn

We're here at the GTowne on the top of Mt Washington, with a magnificent
view of Pgh. Mike and Chuck are talking about stupid crap. They're dumb.
Now what was I blogging about at the lunchtable again? Oh yeah...


That last one was chuck btw.

The top of the world

So I guess you are supposed to share thoughts on these things... If there's
anything that strikes me about pbh, well there is a lot that strikes me,
but one thing is how low the city lies next to the rivers... It seems like
flooding could be a real problem here. Someone google it and leave some

How about this view though? There are a lot of bridges here...

Drunker posts to follow.


So we are at the bottom waiting and already the view is cool. More on this
shocking development soon! Cb

Bridge City

Whether I knew it or not the real reason we came to this city is the
bridges. There are a lot of them in case ya aint learnt. This one is

Anyways... Lots of bridges. I can barely contain my raging boner.


The Plan (keeps coming up again)

Going to the inclines to do stuff... Don't really know what that entails
but I am sure booze and slanty terrain are on the agenda.

Also, we all smell the same because we all used the same soap. Kinda


A royal mess

I want to watch the royal tannebaums. Oh wait that's apparently what we're
doing today. These guys suck. I'm glad no one can read my thoughts. Cb

The cleansing begins

Chuck has finally decided to wash his dirty ass. More on this shocking
development as it unfolds.

Breakfast Continental Style

Holiday Inn, in there infinite hospitality, offered us brekfast on the
cuff. Bisuits and some sort of gravy have never been better.



If I knew the name of this pissed off richard dreyfus movie' I would blog
about it. Goodnight. Cb


Ijust woke up. Chris is innocently sleeping where I was going to sleep and
indeed where we both passed out for the last few hours. A bad commercial
channel is on, mike is SAWING LOGS and I'm gonna pass out again on this
saggy looking sofa puulllout. Night folks. Cb

Hotel??? More like..... uh.... something else... tel....

Mike thinks that pizza is a good idea. However, research shows that pizza may or may not be a good idea. Mike just said to Julie at the front desk, "I wonder if you have a preference as to pizzas pies." By the way, no typos in that sentence. Just not a good idea. And a dime just hit my face... from somewhere.

Julie is not impressed by Mike and probably wouldn't want to make out with him or anything. We are getting pepperoni and monkeys on our pizza pie.

Elevator wrong flooor hahahahahaha don't you wiah you werew hereVVV???

Walk home

Thayt bar rocked and we're in the middle of rhe street and waljin home

Bar 11 redux

On second thought 0singalongs to sweet caroline may rock and or roll go


Bar 11

Is this place a complete shithole? Yes. Is it awesome? Yes. Bang the drums
my friend.


Back in the saddle

I have a beer again.... I also just noticed I'm the only one of us withbout
a scarrf Cb

Universal Pittsburgh Stuff

All guys in pittsburgh are douchebags. I realize that is ridiculous but
seriously it has to be at least 45 percent. Regardless guys are douche
bags and most ladies are suprised I'm not freaked about the vagina
monolouges. Life in a red state...

So... The naked truth

I just puked all over carson street. True story but I was full of stuff.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Jacks neighborhood bar

Well here's a sight for sore eyes this place is one looooooong bar and we
all love it. I said I'd come I'd I could drink watwr but I like this place
so much I'm drinking beer again'!!!n!!!! Chris just said he would help
some girl find some guy amd then didn't move.... I laughed. Cb